You don't have to trade happiness for a paycheck as a working mom.
I am a full-time working mom, just like you. I spent nearly two decades in a corporate job while growing my family, and I am raising three young children while working.
For years, I struggled with feeling stressed out, overwhelmed, and weighed down with guilt as a working mom.
There weren’t enough hours in the day. I struggled to keep up at work and at home.
I didn’t want to step out of the workforce entirely because I loved financially contributing to my family and growing my skills professionally, but I also knew that I couldn’t continue to feel this way and be the mom I wanted to be to my children.
In 2019, I spent a full year studying what was really behind my stress and guilt, and I learned how to end it for good.
I completely changed my experience as a working mom. I positively impacted my career trajectory, financial well-being, and happiness. My personal growth was so significant as a working mom that I knew I had to pay it forward and help other working moms too.